JAXA Supercomputer System Annual Report
April 2016-March 2017
JAXA Supercomputer System Annual Report April 2016-March 2017
- Acoustic Vibration Simulation of Cavity Flow with Unstructured CFD Code
- Adbanced Numerical Simulation of Compressible Two-phase Flow of diesel atomization
- aFJR high efficiency fan technology development
- aFJR light weight sound absorption liner technology development
- Air flow distribution control by a fluidic element
- Aircraft gust alleviation technology
- Analysis of the flight characteristic of Jet-FTB
- Basic research for system integration of silent supersonic airplane technologies
- CFD analysis of wind turbine wake
- CFD Simulations of Agriculture Spraying from Multi-Rotor Drones
- Collaborative work for aerodynamic optimization
- Computational Simulations for Aircraft Modification Design in the FQUROH Project
- Conceptual Study of a High Speed Compound Helicopter for Innovative Air Transportation
- Cooperative Research on High Lift Devices in the FQUROH Project
- Cooperative Research on Landing Gear in the FQUROH Project
- Environment Conscious Aircraft Systems Research in Eco-wing Technology
- Environment Conscious Aircraft Systems Research in Eco-wing Technology:Aerodynamic System Design Technology
- Environment Conscious Aircraft Systems Research in Eco-wing Technology:Airframe-Engine Noise Reduction Technology
- Feedback Control of Flow Separation Using DBD Plasma Actuator
- FINE: Flight Investigation of skiN-friction reducing Eco-coating
- Innovation for Design, Data-acquisition, Trouble-shoot and Certification in Aircraft Development: Aerodynamic Optimization
- Innovation for Design, Data-acquisition, Trouble-shoot and Certification in Aircraft Development: Basic Techniques for Real Flight Prediction
- Investigation of internal flow of aircraft combustor for Green Engine Project
- Low pressure turbine structural analysis
- Numerical Analyses of LPT flutter
- Numerical calculation of Green engine (study of ultrahigh-temperature low NOx emission combustor technology) filming-type airblast atomizing process
- Numerical Study of Hypersonic Intake
- Prediction of Transonic Buffet with URANS
- Research and development for system integration of silent supersonic airplane technologies
- Research on Active Control Technology for Dynamic Aeroelastic System
- Research on Airframe Noise Reduction Design in the FQUROH Project
- Research on High Speed Propulsion Systems using Hydrogen Fuel
- Studies on JetEngine Noise Reduction
- Studies on real flight prediction
- Study of Green engine (study of ultrahigh-temperature low NOx emission combustor technology) atomization process of a fuel spray nozzle in a practical geometry
- Study of high-fidelity numerical schemes for compressible turbulent flows
- Study of numerical simulation for 3-dimensional buffet
- Unsteady Aerodynamics Simulation of Frontier Region
Basic Research
- Atmospheric Environmental Monitoring Simulation
- Convergence Acceleration of High Reynolds number Transonic Flow with Hyperbolic Navier-Stokes Equations
- Development of 3D CFD core-software of automotive engine combustor
- Development of CFD technology to support design of aircraft combustor with real configuration
- Direct Numerical Simulations of Developed Turbulence
- High Resolution Analysis of Unsteady Aerodynamics for RLG with Fast Fluid Solver FaSTAR
- Incorporation of High Resolution Schemes into Flow Analysis Code ‘FaSTAR’
- Investigation on Fine-scale Scalar Mixing in High Reynolds Number Turbulent Jets
- Numerical analysis of discharge process for clarification of body force characteristics in DBD plasma actuator
- Numerical Analysis of Transformation of Shock Waves around a Forward-Facing Cavity
- Post-K Priority Issue 8D: Research and development of core technology to innovate aircraft design and operation
- Prediction of aerothermal environment around atmospheric entry vehicles with sophisticated numerical tools
- Reseach related to buffet simulation
- Research and development of applied fundamental technology
- Research for maintenance and enhancement of aerospace technology
- Research of coupled analysis of motion and aerodynamics
- Research on combustor simulation
- Research on numerical simulation of combustion phenomena
- Research on the aircraft structures and advanced composite materials
- SIP CFRP high fidelity modeling technology
- Sparse model analysis of unsteady flows around a reenty capsule
- Stabilization of high-order flux-reconstruction schemes with split forms
- Studies on nonlinear vortex dynamics in the later-stage of laminar-turbulent transition in compressible boundary layers
- Study on Acoustic Analysis Techniques to Improve Aerospace Interior Acoustic Environment
- Study on Simulation Technology to Realize Front Loading of Combustor Design Process
- Study on Unstability of the re-entry capsule at Transonic Speed
- A Study on High-order Accurate Fluid Dynamic Simulations for Rotating Fluid Machinery
- Analysis of landing site candidates required for system-level technical study
- Cloud Aerosol Radiation Application Research
- Compressible effects in plasmoid-dominated magnetic reconnection
- Computational Study on Aerodynamic Characteristics of Slender Body Configurations
- Construction of LES Model for High Mach-number-turbulent-multi-phase-flow model based on DNS
- Design analysis for technology demonstration project of small capsule installed in HTV
- Development and application of two-phase flow solver around moving objects
- Development of a shock-capturing magnetohydrodynamic code, ‘OpenMHD’
- Development of micro-satellite launch vehicle
- DSMC analysis of the rarefied gas flows
- Earth observation satellite data processing for GPM/DPR
- Fundamental Research on High Speed Fluid Dynamics
- Fundamental Studies of Methane RCS
- Greenhouse gases Observing SATellite (GOSAT) mission
- Greenhouse gases Observing SATellite-2 (GOSAT-2) Project
- Influence of Fineness Ratio on Aerodynamic Characteristics of Flight Vehicles
- Internal flow, combustion and rotating machinery
- Large Scale N-body simulation of Planet Formation : Effect of Fragmentation of Planetesimals
- Large Scale N-body simulation of Planet Formation : Outward Migration of a Protoplanet within a Gas Disk
- Launch Cost Reduction by Reusing Launch Vehicles
- Lifting body shape design considering real gas effect
- NLFFF calculation of the solar coronal magnetic field based on Hinode observations
- Numerical Analysis of aerodynamic characteristics on H3 launch vehicle
- Numerical Plasma Simulation on Advanced Space Propulsion Systems
- Numerical Simulation of Propellant Management for Rockets and Spacecrafts
- Numerical Study of Breakdown and Shock Wave Structures for Improvement of Flight Performance in a Beamed-Energy Vehicle
- Numerical study of the convection structure in planetary atmospheres
- Numerical Study of Unstable Mode and Turbulent Transition in Hypersonic Boundary Layer
- Numerical Study on Combustible Flow in supersonic Flight Engines and Rocket Engines
- Origin of material substance, thermal history and magnetic field generation of Mercury
- Prediction of RCS Jet Interaction on Re-entry Capsule
- Protection from Space Environment for Expanding Future Space Activities
- Quantitative safety analysis technology by high-fidelity numerical simulation
- Radiative Magnetohydrodynamic Simulations of Solar Atmosphere
- Research and Development of Predicting Launch Vehicle Acoustics
- Research and Development of Sample Return Capsule for future planetary exploration
- Research for data assimilation of satellite global rainfall map
- Research for Future Transportation System (Research for Scramjet Engine Flow Path)
- Research for Innovation of Rocket Propulsion Engine
- Research of Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM)/ Precipitation Radar (PR)
- Research on Space Propulsion Flow Dynamics
- Research on the future transportation technology
- SLIM project
- Small synthetic aperture radar satellite
- Studies on space science topics via large-scale numerical simulations
- Study of Space Transportation Technology (Integrated Design of Airframe and Engine)
- Study on Aerodynamic Design for Mars Exploration Airplane
- Study on development of satellite-based ocean data assimilation system
- Study on Future Space Transportation System using Air-breathing Engines
- Study on the reusable launch vehicle
- The Effect of Protuberant Devices on Aerodynamic Characteristics of Slender Body Vehicle
- Uncertainty quantification on satellite thermal design
- Utilization of JSS2 for AMSR-E higher level data processing
- Utilization of JSS2 for AMSR-E L1 data processing
Overview of JSS2 Usage
JAXA Supercomputer System Annual Report April 2016-March 2017