




Numerical Analysis of aerodynamic characteristics on H3 launch vehicle

JAXA Supercomputer System Annual Report April 2016-March 2017

Report Number: R16E0089

  • Responsible Representative: Masashi Okada(Space Technology Directorate 1, H3 Projcet Team)
  • Contact Information: Hiroshi Ikaida(ikaida.hiroshi@jaxa.jp)
  • Members: Hiroshi Ikaida, Kazuhiro Imai, Shun Fukuzawa, Fumihiro Itoo
  • Subject Category: Space(Rocket)


From the viewpoint of international competitiveness, develop a new launch system with low cost and high performance


Please refer http://www.jaxa.jp/projects/pr/brochure/pdf/01/rocket09.pdf .


Please refer http://www.jaxa.jp/projects/pr/brochure/pdf/01/rocket09.pdf .

References and Links

Please refer http://www.jaxa.jp/projects/pr/brochure/pdf/01/rocket09.pdf .

Use of the Supercomputer

Aerodynamic data and load analysis resuls are necessary to confirm the feasibility in the H3 launch vehicle critical design phase. Therefore, we obtain aerodynamic characteristic data by CFD using JSS2.

In the past, aerodynamical development was dependet on databases, but due to technological innovation, highly reliable caluculation using CFD became possible. Consequently, computational approch is applied in this project.

Necessity of the Supercomputer

Shorter analysis cost makes greater feedback to whole system study. In addition, more complex problem such as coupled vibration of launch vehicle and facility will be solve by using JSS2.

Achievements of the Year

Obtained aerodynamic characteristic data and confint the validity in the wind tunnel test

Annual Reoprt Figures for 2016

Fig.1:Surface distribution of Cp(Type H3 24L, M=1.3,α=5°,φ=0°)


Annual Reoprt Figures for 2016

Fig.2:Ground Wind Analysis(Mach distribution, Type H3 24L, at launch pad )




Computational Information

  • Parallelization Methods: Process Parallelization
  • Process Parallelization Methods: MPI
  • Thread Parallelization Methods: n/a
  • Number of Processes: maximum 960
  • Number of Threads per Process: 1
  • Number of Nodes Used: 30
  • Elapsed Time per Case (Hours): 5-170
  • Number of Cases: 300

Resources Used


Total Amount of Virtual Cost(Yen): 2,400,750


Breakdown List by Resources

Computational Resources
System Name Amount of Core Time(core x hours) Virtual Cost(Yen)
SORA-MA 1,406,419.02 2,289,929
SORA-PP 3,714.24 31,712
SORA-LM 0.07 1
SORA-TPP 0.00 0


SORA-FS File System Resources
File System Name Storage assigned(GiB) Virtual Cost(Yen)
/home 40.05 377
/data 4,049.30 38,197
/ltmp 4,296.88 40,532


J-SPACE Archiving System Resources
Archiving System Name Storage used(TiB) Virtual Cost(Yen)
J-SPACE 0.00 0

Note: Virtual Cost=amount of cost, using the unit price list of JAXA Facility Utilization program(2016)

JAXA Supercomputer System Annual Report April 2016-March 2017