




Study on Unstability of the re-entry capsule at Transonic Speed

JAXA Supercomputer System Annual Report April 2016-March 2017

Report Number: R16E0106

  • Responsible Representative: Yuichi Matsuo(Aeronautical Technology Directorate, Numerical Simulation Research Unit)
  • Contact Information: Yuya Ohmichi(ohmichi.yuya@jaxa.jp)
  • Members: Gunpei Morikami
  • Subject Category: Basic Research(Numerical analysis,Modeling)


In this study, coherent structures around a reentry capsule were investigated using the unsteady flow solver FaSTAR. The flow field around a reentry capsule is important because the dynamic instability occurs especially insubsonic cruise. We studied the dynamic instability by numerically simulating the unsteady flow fields around the reentry capsule.


To clarify unsteady flow phenomena around a reentry capsule


To clarify coherent structures that cause dynamic instability

References and Links


Use of the Supercomputer

Numerical simulation of unsteady flow fields

Necessity of the Supercomputer

Expensive computational cost.

Achievements of the Year

It was found that ring vortex structures appeared in the wake of the reentry capsule. The temporal coefficients corresponding to these spatial structures also suggest that these large coherent structures oscillate relatively periodically.

Annual Reoprt Figures for 2016

Fig.1:Instantaneous flow field. Isosurfaces of the Q value, colored with freestream direction component of vorticity.


Annual Reoprt Figures for 2016

Fig.2:Frequency spectrum of CL




1) Morikami, G., Ohmich, Y., Ishiko, K. and Kanazaki, M., ‘Numerical Study of Coherent Structures Around a Reentry Capsule using Proper Orthogonal Decomposition,’ AIAA SciTech 2017, 2017, 2017-0949.

Computational Information

  • Parallelization Methods: Process Parallelization
  • Process Parallelization Methods: MPI
  • Thread Parallelization Methods: n/a
  • Number of Processes: 512
  • Number of Threads per Process: 1
  • Number of Nodes Used: 16
  • Elapsed Time per Case (Hours): 10
  • Number of Cases: 10

Resources Used


Total Amount of Virtual Cost(Yen): 8,755,379


Breakdown List by Resources

Computational Resources
System Name Amount of Core Time(core x hours) Virtual Cost(Yen)
SORA-MA 4,970,245.96 8,142,520
SORA-PP 3,072.40 26,232
SORA-LM 10,209.69 229,718
SORA-TPP 0.00 0


SORA-FS File System Resources
File System Name Storage assigned(GiB) Virtual Cost(Yen)
/home 238.42 2,249
/data 36,621.11 345,448
/ltmp 976.56 9,211


J-SPACE Archiving System Resources
Archiving System Name Storage used(TiB) Virtual Cost(Yen)
J-SPACE 0.00 0

Note: Virtual Cost=amount of cost, using the unit price list of JAXA Facility Utilization program(2016)

JAXA Supercomputer System Annual Report April 2016-March 2017