




Visit us our booth at SC17

Note:SC17 was closed on Nov. 17, 2017.

We appreciate all the SC17 attendees for visiting our booth.

The following content is kept intact for those who would like to view it as it was during SC17. Thank you.

JAXA is to join SC17 as an Exhibitor.

In our booth, we will present our latest outcomes, overview of our JSS2 supercomputer system and computer science related research activities, and so on.

Please visit our booth at SC17.

  • Booth #1249

[Updated] Now we’re open !


Exhibits Overview

The following is the brief list of pages in this site which are related to our booth exhibits.

Overview of JAXA Booth at SC17

Overview of JAXA Booth at SC17




Back Panels of JAXA Booth, filled with Graphics

SC17 Conference Details

Dates : November 12-17, 2017
Location:Colorado Convention Center
700 14th St
Denver, CO 80202
Web site: SC17 (http://sc17.supercomputing.org/)