Welcome to JAXA SC24 Virtual Booth
Note:SC24 was closed on Nov. 22, 2024.
We appreciate all the SC24 attendees for visiting our virtual booth.
The following content is kept intact for those who would like to view it as it was during SC24. Thank you.
Welcome to JAXA SC24 page!
This page is our virtual booth for SC24. We hope it is valuable and interesting to our visitors.
- For information about JAXA, click here at “JAXA | Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency“.
- Inquiry page is located at “Inquiry“.
Exhibits Overview
The following is the brief list of our outcomes.
- ①H3 Launch Vehicle: Numerical Simulation of H3 Launch Pad
- ②Satellite: EORC: EORC: Earth Observation Research Center
- ③Satellite: SAOC : SAOC: Satellite Applications and Operations Center
- ④Aircraft: Research and Development of Core Technology to Innovate Aircraft Design and Operation
- ⑤Numerical Simulation of Rotorcraft: Numerical Simulation of Aircraft with Rotating Wings
- ⑥FaSTAR: FAST Aerodynamic Routines
You could view many other pages in this web-site to find our misssion, systems and research activities.
Introducing our latest JSS3 system

JSS3/TOKI: JAXA Supercomputer System Generation 3
We are constructing a new generation of our Supercomputer system, called as “JSS3.”
You could find the information about JSS3 “Toki” from “Introducing JSS3” page.
- News November 19, 2024: JSS3 TOKI-SORA ranked in major benchmark results
JAXA Supercomputer System Annual Report
We have been publishing “JAXA Supercomputer System Annual Report” once in every year. The latest issue could be accessed via the link here at “JAXA Supercomputer System Annual Report (February 2023-January 2024)“.
Introducing JSS3

<Supercoco film truck>
This special truck driven by Supercoco can take a 360° movie!
Please watch the movie below.
As you change the view by your mouse, you can look around in the supercomputer room.
Choose 720 resolution to enjoy a beautiful screen.
Thank you very much for your visit to our SC24 Virtual Booth

Paper-craft Instruction Example
You could get free paper-craft data of piggy-banks with the links below!
SC24 Conference Details
Dates : November 17-22, 2024
Web site: SC24 (https://sc24.supercomputing.org/)