




Comparison of Strain Distribution Between Results of Flight Test and Finite Element Analysis

JAXA Supercomputer System Annual Report April 2018-March 2019

Report Number: R18EDA101S01

Subject Category: Aeronautical Technology

PDF available here

  • Responsible Representative: Hitoshi Arizono, Aeronautical Technology Directorate, Structures and Advanced Composite Research Unit
  • Contact Information: Hitoshi Arizono(arizono.hitoshi@jaxa.jp)
  • Members: Hitoshi Arizono, Youichi Sano, Natsuki Tsushima


Comparison of Strain Distribution Between Results of Flight Test and Finite Element Analysis

Reference URL


Reasons for using JSS2

Because complex real aircraft configuration is very expensive for simulation

Achievements of the Year

The strain distribution measured in the flight test was compared by loading the aerodynamic force of Hisho analyzed by JSS2 into the finite element model.



Usage of JSS2

Computational Information

  • Process Parallelization Methods: MPI
  • Thread Parallelization Methods: N/A
  • Number of Processes: 224
  • Elapsed Time per Case: 10 Hour(s)

Resources Used


Fraction of Usage in Total Resources*1(%): 0.00



Please refer to System Configuration of JSS2 for the system configuration and major specifications of JSS2.

Computational Resources
System Name Amount of Core Time
(core x hours)
Fraction of Usage*2(%)
SORA-MA 32,977.08 0.00
SORA-PP 295.82 0.00
SORA-LM 80.01 0.04
SORA-TPP 0.00 0.00


File System Resources
File System Name Storage Assigned
Fraction of Usage*2(%)
/home 16.21 0.02
/data 162.12 0.00
/ltmp 3,320.31 0.28


Archiver Resources
Archiver Name Storage Used
Fraction of Usage*2(%)
J-SPACE 0.00 0.00

*1: Fraction of Usage in Total Resources: Weighted average of three resource types (Computing, File System, and Archiver).

*2: Fraction of Usage:Percentage of usage relative to each resource used in one year.

JAXA Supercomputer System Annual Report April 2018-March 2019