JAXA Supercomputer System Annual Report
(February 2023-January 2024) Table of Contents
JAXA Supercomputer System Annual Report February 2023-January 2024
- Report pages could be accessed by clicking their titles.
- Red “*” at the end of the report title indicates that it has video clip(s).
Aeronautical Technology(64reports)
- Acoustic Liner Program for future High-bypass-ratio Aircraft engines(Development of combustor)
- Acoustic Liner Program for High-bypass-ratio Aircraft engines
- Acoustic Liner Program for High-bypass-ratio Aircraft engines (acoustic performance improvement)
- Advanced simulation of internal flow in rotating machinery
- Aerodynamic Analysis for High-speed rotorcraft
- Aerodynamic Simulations on Airframe Noise Reduction Technology (FQUROH-2)
- Aerodynamic testing technology for reentering capsules
- Aeroelastic Analysis for Rotocraft
- Analyses of Hypersonic Flows around Capsules and Attitude Instability of Capsules
- Application of the Cartesian grid and an IB method to the analysis of aircraft engine combustors
- CFD Analysis of Wind Fields Around Regional Airports
- CFD simulation of compound helicopter flight test
- Development of 3D CFD core-software of automotive engine combustion chamber
- Development of a high-precision unstructured mesh flow solver for aerodynamic design of turbomachinery cascade
- Development of Aerodynamic Optimization Library: Harmonny
- Development of Aeroelastic Simulation Tool based on FaSTAR-Move
- Development of fundamental technologies for innovative artificial materials
- Development of improved numerical tools for Certification by Analysis(CbA)
- Development of wearable aviation system
- Efficiency improvement of aerodynamic model building and comparison.
- En-Core Project / High Precision Analysis for Turbine Blade
- En-Core Project / Turbine aerodynamics performance analysis
- En-Core Project / Turbine internal cooling analysis
- high-fidelity analysis tools development for aerodynamic cascade design / Compressor aerodynamic performance prediction
- high-fidelity analysis tools development for aerodynamic cascade design / Unsteady analyses of Compressor
- High-Reynolds number stall characteristics of a wing-body configuration model
- Hydrogen Application to Aircraft and Future Space Transportation System
- Improvement of numerical analysis for internal flow with complicated configuration inside aero-engine
- Innovative Green Aircraft Technology (iGreen) : Riblet coating technology
- Integrated Simulation over aircraft, rotorcraft and engines
- Investigation of internal flow of aircraft combustor for En-Core Project.
- Multivariate time series data analysis
- Numerical analyses for CFD workshops
- Numerical analysis for optimal design of helicopter rotor blades
- Numerical analysis of deicing and anti-icing in jet engine
- Numerical analysis on atomization and spray combustion
- Numerical analysis on combustion instability considering spray response
- Numerical analysis on fuel injector design
- Numerical Prediction of aerodynamic characteristics over the eVTOL Configurations*
- Optimal design of propellers for compound helicopters
- Physics understanding and modeling based on high-fidelity numerical analysis
- Process analysis of additive manufacturing
- Research and development for system integration of silent supersonic airplane technologies
- Research and development of basic technologies for building conceptual design frameworks
- Research and development of CFD-based flight simulator
- Research and Development of Emission Free Aircraft Technologies
- Research and development of fluid analysis tools using GPU
- Research and development of prediction technology for thermal and aerodynamic characteristics of hypersonic vehicle
- Research and Development on Airframe Noise Reduction Technology (FQUROH-2) #1
- Research of numerical prediction for the flight stability*
- Research on aircraft cabin noise reduction
- Research on Aircraft Multidisciplinary Design Technology
- Research on Airframe Noise Reduction Design (FQUROH-2)
- Research on computational analysis methods for ice accretion
- Research on High Performance Control Surfaces and High Lift Devices
- Research on laminar fins system
- Research on low-cost LES and one-dimensional model for aeroengine combustor
- Research on numerical simulation techniques for complex flows
- Research on Particle Simulation Methods
- Research on Structure and Composite Material Technologies for Digital Certification
- Research on the performance improvement of practical aero-engine fuel injector
- Research on the rotorcraft aerodynamics and noise prediction technologies
- Study of scale effects on the atmospheric entry environment of atmospheric entry capsules
- Study of the Effect of Boundary Layer Ingestion (BLI) on Aircraft Propulsion / Distributed Propulsion Technology with Superconducting Motors
Common Business(1report)
Competitive Funding(10reports)
- Aerodynamics and Aeroacoustics Analysis for Multirotor
- Analysis and high-efficiency control of unsteady aerodynamic phenomena based on simultaneous measurement of pressure, temperature, position, and deformation
- Development of technologies for hydrogen aircraft
- Efficient spatial second-order precision compressible fluid calculation method with resolution equivalent to fifth-order precision
- Fundamental Researches of Fluid and Combustion for the Hypersonic Flight
- MEXT Program for Promoting Researches on the Supercomputer Fugaku, Leading research on innovative aircraft design technologies to replace flight test
- Research and Development of Aircraft Design DX
- Research and Development on Aircraft Certification DX(Flyability)
- Research on DX in Aircraft Certification
- Study on combustion instability
Cooperative Graduate School System(4reports)
- Gas-Liquid Two Phase Flow Behavior Related to ECLSS
- Research on plasma analysis method in electric propulsion
- Study on future space transportation system – combined cycle engine (JAXA-Tohoku Univ. collaborative course)
- Study on spacecraft dynamics
Human Spaceflight Technology(1report)
JSS Inter-University Research(27reports)
- Aerodynamics of Re-entry Capsule with Hyperbolic Contours
- Aerodynamics of Re-entry Vehicle System with Inflatable Ballute
- Application of distributed micro plasma actuators
- Computational analysis of internal flow field in an aerospace propulsion engine using the building-cube method
- Computational Study on Aerodynamic Characteristics of Reusable Slender Body Configurations
- Fundamental numerical analysis on propagation of detonation
- Low-cost rotary wing design applied to design optimization of roter blade for Mars helicopter
- Nonlinear interactions of Rossby waves and large-scale zonal flow formation in two-dimensional turbulence on a rotating sphere.
- Numerical fluid analysis of hypersonic aerodynamic heating during spacecraft re-entry.
- Numerical Fluid Analysis of Supersonic Flying Vehicle
- Numerical simulation towards clarification of control mechanism of nanosecond-pulsed-driven DBD plasma actuator
- Numerical Simulations of Fully Developed Turbulence
- Numerical study of mass streaming and heat transfer in thermoacoustic phenomena
- Numerical Study on Aerodynamic Characteristics of Mars Helicopter and Mars Rocket
- Numerical Study on Ionization Structure and Shock Wave Propagation for Improving Flight Performance of Beaming Propulsion Vehcile
- Numerical Study on Propeller Slipstream Effects on Objects at Low Reynolds Number*
- Numerical study on the solar modulation of low-energy cosmic rays measured with CALET
- Physics and Modeling in Hypersonic and Transonic Flow toward Establishing Reentry Technology
- Prediction and Modelling of Turbulence based on Machine Learning
- Research on dynamic attitude stability evaluation of high-speed flying objects using CFD
- Reynolds Number Effects on Aerodynamics of Slender Body with Protuberance
- Simultaneous multi-point spectroscopy in a simulated Mars atmospehre entry environment
- Studies on nonlinear vortex dynamics in the later-stage of laminar-turbulent transition in compressible boundary layers
- Study of complessibility effect on low Reynolds number flow over a plate
- Study on fluid dynamic interference between particles in high-speed flows
- Study on the enhancement of flow control authority using DBD plasma actuators
- Three-dimensional numerical simulation of discharge and flow related to airflow control using plasma actuator
Research and Development (17reports)
- Aerodynamic analysis of Japan’s next generation mainstay launch vehicle
- Analysis of ablator
- CALLISTO Guidance and Control Analysis
- CFD analysis of dynamic face seal leakage
- Combustion analysis technology
- Liquid-Propellant Propulsion System Simulation
- Long-term orbital environment prediction by orbital debris evolutionary model
- Numerical Simulation of Rocket Turbopumps
- Numerical Simulation on Hypersonic Boundary Layer
- Project support activity using numerical simulation
- Resaerch of model based development for space systems at early development phase
- Research and Development of Hydrogen Fueled Future Space Transportation Systems
- Research on advanced rocket engines
- Sloshing Phenomena under Reduced Gravity
- Study of spaceborne lidar mission
- Study on Future Space Transportation System using Air-breathing Engines*
- Thermal analysis of satellites
Skills Acquisition System(6reports)
- Analysis Technology for Spacecraft Aerodynamic Characteristics
- Basic research for system integration of silent supersonic airplane
- Innovative Green Aircraft Technology : High Efficiency and Low Noise Aircraft
- Numerical investigation of flow around intake and wing
- Numerical Simulations for Mutirotor
- Numerical study on unsteady analysis fo compressible flow
Space and Astronautical Science(8reports)
- Aerothermodynamic analysis for Atmospheric Entry Capsule
- Examination of ISAS’s scientific satellitedata processing using JSS
- High-Level Data Processing of Scientific Satellites
- Nonlinear force-free field extrapolation calculation for inferring solar colona magnetic fields
- Orbit Determination Analysis Operation Tool for Spiral Orbit Raising Phase
- Requirement analysis for LiteBIRD’s optical system
- Study of high speed fluid dynamics
- Three-Dimensional Global Multiobjective Aerodynamic Design Optimization of Wingtip Geometies
Space Exploration(2reports)
- A deveropment of IREM on the MMX.
- Analysis of landing site candidates for system-level technical studies
Space Technology(18reports)
- ALOS / PALSAR data processing for the entire observation period
- ALOS-2 / PALSAR-2 data processing for the entire observation period
- Development and maintenance of AMSR3 research application system
- Development and maintenance of mission operation system for AMSR3 onboard the GOSAT-GW satellite
- Development of an EnKF-based ocean data assimilation system
- Earth observation satellite data processing for GPM/DPR
- Evaluation of the Rocket’s Behavior based on Image Recognition Technology
- Global Terrestrial Hydrological Simulation System “Today’s Earth”
- GOSAT data analysis and Greenhouse gases Observing SATellite (GOSAT) mission
- Greenhouse gases Observing SATellite-2 (GOSAT-2) Project
- Numerical analysis for LE-9 engine turbopumps
- Numerical Simulations for H3 Rocket Development
- PALSAR-2 Global Water Map
- Precise Orbit Determination by using MADOCA on JSS3
- Research for data assimilation of satellite global rainfall map
- Research of Precipitation Measuring Mission
- Retrieval of greenhouse gas concentrations from GOSAT-2 observations
- Utilization of JSS3 for AMSR-E higher level data processing
Overview of JSS Usage
JAXA Supercomputer System Annual Report February 2023-January 2024