




Research on aircraft cabin noise reduction

JAXA Supercomputer System Annual Report February 2022-January 2023

Report Number: R22EDA201C00

Subject Category: Aeronautical Technology

PDF available here

  • Responsible Representative: Kenichiro Nagai, Aviation Technology Directorate, Aviation Environmental SustainabiAviation Environmental Sustainability Innovation Hub
  • Contact Information: Takashi Takahashi(takahashi.takashi@jaxa.jp)
  • Members: Keita Nakamoto, Takashi Takahashi


This research focuses on the development of our cabin noise prediction tool using the Finite-Difference Time-Domain method, and in-flight noise measurement in the JAXA’s Jet-Flying Test Bed (FTB) “HISHO” with the aim of grasping the cabin noise characteristics.

Reference URL


Reasons and benefits of using JAXA Supercomputer System

JSS was used to conduct the simulation of our cabin noise prediction method (FDTD), which needs the resource of JSS to deal with a large computational domain.

Achievements of the Year

In the aircraft noise prediction in real scale, we increased the number of measurement data (structural vibration data) of the previous year, reprocessed them, performed reanalysis using them as boundary conditions, and considered improvement ideas.



Usage of JSS

Computational Information

  • Process Parallelization Methods: MPI
  • Thread Parallelization Methods: N/A
  • Number of Processes: 27
  • Elapsed Time per Case: 12 Hour(s)

JSS3 Resources Used


Fraction of Usage in Total Resources*1(%): 0.00



Please refer to System Configuration of JSS3 for the system configuration and major specifications of JSS3.

Computational Resources
System Name CPU Resources Used
(Core x Hours)
Fraction of Usage*2(%)
TOKI-SORA 101.31 0.00
TOKI-ST 9841.50 0.01
TOKI-GP 0.00 0.00
TOKI-XM 0.00 0.00
TOKI-LM 0.00 0.00
TOKI-TST 0.00 0.00
TOKI-TGP 0.00 0.00
TOKI-TLM 0.00 0.00


File System Resources
File System Name Storage Assigned
Fraction of Usage*2(%)
/home 85.83 0.08
/data and /data2 5145.00 0.04
/ssd 41.67 0.01


Archiver Resources
Archiver Name Storage Used
Fraction of Usage*2(%)
J-SPACE 0.00 0.00

*1: Fraction of Usage in Total Resources: Weighted average of three resource types (Computing, File System, and Archiver).

*2: Fraction of Usage:Percentage of usage relative to each resource used in one year.


ISV Software Licenses Used

ISV Software Licenses Resources
ISV Software Licenses Used
Fraction of Usage*2(%)
ISV Software Licenses
0.08 0.00

*2: Fraction of Usage:Percentage of usage relative to each resource used in one year.

JAXA Supercomputer System Annual Report February 2022-January 2023